Whoooooooo Hooooooo for Preliminary Night #2!!!! Even though results weren’t posted until nearly 10:20pm Pacific (that’s nearly 1:30 for you East Coasters!), we do have ourselves another round of winners from last night! Let’s get right to it!
Swimsuit = TEXAS!
A correct pick! Trust me – I saw Texas walk during the fashion show and thought, ‘WOW’. She could be ugly and still have a shot at winning Swimsuit – her walk is THAT GOOD! Fortunately, she’s not even close to ugly – she’s, as judge Mike Fleiss would say, “HOT”!!! Texas is also the first former MAOTeen to win a Preliminary this year (Hawaii won swimsuit last year as a former MAOTeen) and she deserved it! Gorgeous!
Talent = OKLAHOMA!
Another correct pick – Bringing me back to 50/50 overall (Whew! Trying to redeem myself!) Oklahoma is one of 4 Irish step dancers this year – and if one of them was going to win a prelim, it outta be her! She’s a Championship Step Dancer and very ‘midwest’. She has that ‘girl next door’ appeal with a touch of glam. We like her a lot!
Now – Tonight’s picks are TOUGH!!! I’m afraid points might split all over the place and the girl who finished 2nd on everyone’s ballots might be the Talent winner… Here’s where I’m going…
Swimsuit = New York, Virginia, Arizona, Tennessee
I have a theory on Final Night swimsuit winners. The other 2 nights, the judges are looking at who is THE BEST in swimsuit. However, on the final night, the judges usually give the swimsuit award to a girl who looks great in a swimsuit AND also scored really high interview. It’s like a secret way of telling the girl, ‘We know you’re here… and we really like you’. If New York wins – she’s a Top 5’er in my book for sure.
Talent = Missouri, Georgia, Washington, Hawaii
DC might surprise me – but I’m going with the thought that this is only DC’s third pageant of her life and it’s a pretty big stage to be singing all alone on it. Look at me with the diversity of this Talent Pick! MO = Vocals, GA = Ballet, WA = Fiddle, Hi = Jump Rope! Like I said, points could split all over the place! Oh – and the same theory holds true with final Talent prelims… Teresa Scanlan won on Talent on her final night last year… If Missouri wins, watch out. I gotta feeling about that girl…
Otherwise, the Miss America Junkies contingency arrived in Vegas today!!! Super excited to have 8 of us traveling together this weekend!!! We’ll all see tonight’s preliminaries LIVE and then put our final thoughts together on our winners.
So – here’s your assignment! Make your picks for tonight, but be thinking about your Top 15! I’ll post my list before the finals begin on Saturday, but you’re welcome to post them at any time! It’s getting down to the wire… we’re only days away from knowing who will be our new Miss America 2012!!! BRING IT ON!!!
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