Wednesday, September 10, 2014



Welcome Back, Junkies!  Don't ya just LOVE the first night of prelims at Miss America??? Everything suddenly gets real!  And judging by the number of tweets we read about last night's competition - this year is bound to be a doozie!  Just like we hoped!!! :)

Big Congratulations going out to MISS OHIO, MACKENZIE BART for winning Talent and MISS FLORIDA, VICTORIA COWEN for winning Swimsuit on Tuesday Night!

Makenzie's ventriloquism with her puppet "Roxy" stole the show last night and received strong applause from the audience!  She sang "SupercalifragilisticExpialidocious" - which is hard enough to do as a regular human being, let alone with a puppet!  And Victoria is just super-crazy photogenic... and most of us would die for her delightfully proportioned body... Plus, she's from Florida... Those girls just exude 'uber-cool' from all that easy access to the beach (lol!) :)  From what we hear, they were both well-deserved wins! 

I wish you could've heard the exceptionally huge sigh of relief that came from the Junkie household when we discovered the Tuesday night winners... SO MANY TALENTED LADIES performed last night and SO MANY BEAUTIFULLY FIT BODIES were on display - it's crazy to have to choose a winner!

Before we get tonight's picks - let me address a couple of questions we've been receiving from Junkies across the country...

1.  Are the Prelims Streamed?  Answer - Nope.  Afraid there's a whole hulabaloo regarding music streaming rights and performance fees that Miss America would have to pay if they did stream... So - rather than pay performance rights, Miss America has decided not to stream.  Sorry.  If you're an entertainment attorney, feel free to contact Miss America and help them figure out how they can afford the performance fees so all of us can watch prelims - Personally, I'd be willing to pay money each night of prelims in order to see them - and by the number of people who continue to ask us that question, we're guessing you would too! :)

2.  Will the Parade be Streamed like it was last year?  Answer - No Clue.  We haven't seen a link on any of the parade advertising, which leads us to believe it might not be available - but we're still holding out hope.  The parade is SOOOO FUN and where Nina really shined for us... Junkies promise to let you know as soon as we discover an answer either way. :)

ALRIGHT!  Back to tonight's picks!!!  After going 2 for 2 last night, The question is, can we keep the streak going tonight?

Answer - LOLOL!  Who knows??!!??

Especially because tonight...  GUESS WHAT???


This is a super competitive year and both areas of competition are STACKED AGAIN tonight!  Please know that I am EXTREMELY CONFLICTED about picking winners tonight... Frankly, I can see one of two things happening...

1. Points split all over the board... This is what happens when half the judges like "State A" to win the prelim and half the judges like "State B" to win the prelim, but all the judges like "State C" to finish second.  Guess what happens?  "State C" wins the prelim.  Entirely possible in both SS and Talent tonight.

2.  Judges favor the girl they loved in interview... If you nail your interview, judges are likely to see you in a positive light throughout the competition, which means you get an extra point or two in SS and/or Talent because you made a strong impression on them.  Entirely possible in both SS and Talent tonight.

Ok - Enough stalling... Here's the lineup again... Sigma competes in Talent and Mu competes in Swimsuit tonight...

Ready or not - Here we go!!!

Wednesday Talent Picks: Texas, Kentucky, Mississippi
Bubble State - California

Wednesday Swimsuit Picks: Alabama, Oklahoma, Louisiana
Bubble State - Connecticut

Frankly - Tonight's Swimsuit competition should be off the hook!  I've changed my picks a dozen different times already!  LOL!!!  There are seriously 4 other girls we could've listed for SS tonight!  And Talent will simply depend on what the judges prefer... Last night they went for "Entertainment Value" rather than a classic/typical Miss America-type Talent.  However, they could go a completely different direction tonight!  Who Knows??/

And there you have it! Can't wait to see who the judges choose tonight!  GOOD LUCK LADIES!!!  ENJOY - HAVE FUN!!!


  1. I am so excited and lovin' your predictions! Glad I found this blog! xoxo

    1. WHOOOO HOOOOO! Welcome Jessi! Glad to have you!!! :)

  2. You all are absolutely right with your TALENT pick of MISS TEXAS 2014 MONIQUE EVANS. She is a FABULOUS 'EN POINTE' CLASSICAL BALLERINA. Gorgeous, too, and a wonderful girl!

    1. Heard she was FABULOUS tonight! Go Texas!!! :)

  3. Talent-- Mississippi or Texas. Swimsuit Delaware or Virginia

    1. It's SO HARD to pick a winner!!! Especially when you're only picking 2 states!!! I'm sure all 4 girls did well tonight and could very well be Top 15'ers come Sunday! :)
