Friday, September 12, 2014



BIG CONGRATULATIONS to last night's winners - AMANDA SMITH from PENNSYLVANIA in Talent and JADE KENNY from MARYLAND in Swimsuit!!!  Aren't they lovely???

Amanda Smith just has this perfect quality to her voice... She's been super-successful at the Carnegie Mellon School of Music, a highly acclaimed fine arts program in Pittsburgh, PA.  We just love it when 'natural talent' like hers hits the stage and comes home with the win!  CONGRATS AMANDA!

Jade Kenny was the very first contestant to compete in Swimsuit last night - and obviously, the judges decided they didn't like anything else better than her!  She's also the lone contestant the Junkies didn't pick this year - which goes to show, your fate is ALWAYS in your own hands, not ours :)  CONGRATS JADE!!!

And JUST LIKE THAT - the Preliminary competition for Miss America 2015 is complete!!!  Here's a full list of your winners this week!

BIG CONGRATS to all the ladies in the competition this year!  After 2 weeks together and so little sleep (not to mention emotional stress and lack of chocolate) - I'm sure the majority of our contestants woke up feeling relaxed and happy that the prelims are over!  For them, the next 2 days - are all about the FUN!!! :)

There's a Big "Miracle Mile" event going on tonight in Atlantic City... And of course, THE SHOW US YOUR SHOES PARADE on Saturday Night!!!  No word yet on whether or not the Parade will be televised... We'll do our best to keep you posted!

In the meantime... I hope you're making your selections for the Top 16 (Top 15 plus America's Choice)!!!  The Junkies made our first list last night... Although we must say, we started with 23 girls and had to whittle it down to 16 - WHICH WAS INSANE!!!  Usually, we have around 18-19 girls to choose from, but I'm telling you, this year is CRAZY COMPETITIVE and this thing could go in a million different directions!

So - here's the deal...

YES - We will be posting our predictions for Top 16, Top 10 and Top 5 (although Miss America tends to throw in 'twists' when it comes to the broadcast, so you never know if we're going to see exactly those breakdowns or not...).  That post will come on Sunday - because we need all the help we can get between now and then to decide - LOL! :)


Look Out - MISS AMERICA 2015 IS ONLY 2 DAYS AWAY!!!!!!

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