Wednesday, July 30, 2014



Our first night of Prelims at Miss America's Outstanding Teen are over - and the results are in!  But - Before we get to TONIGHT'S picks for Wednesday's Prelim winners - Junkies wanna mention a few things that make us happy!!!

1.  TUE TALENT WINNER - GEORGIA!  A correct pick!  We scoured the internet to find whatever we could find about the lovely Olivia McMillan... What we found, were tons of positive reviews from people who know her, saying how amazing her talent was!  Sometimes, that's just a bunch of nice people being supportive - and sometimes, it's not just lip-service... it's 100% correct.  Really glad to see Olivia win talent last night... She won Georgia's Outstanding Teen on her first attempt - and obviously, her rendition of Nessun Dorma brought down the house in an uber-tough talent competition.  CONGRATS OLIVIA!!!

2.  TUE GOWN/OSQ WINNER - ALABAMA!  Another correct pick!  Junkies found an interview that Alabama's Outstanding Teen gave a local TV station before she even won her OT title and let's just say... this girl knows how to handle herself in an interview room!  Add in the top-notch Teen prep of the Miss Alabama team and we knew she'd be a force tonight!  It was also Morgan Green's first time at Alabama's OT when she won (just like Georgia!) - do yourselves a favor and keep an eye on Alabama!  This girl's going places!  CONGRATS MORGAN!

3.  NO FITNESS AWARDS!  Lol... Actually - it doesn't make us "happy" - it simply makes our lives a little easier. :)  Last year, MAOT announced Fitness awards on prelim nights - but that hasn't always been the case.  We would've hated to NOT list potential Fitness winners and then have MAOT announce them - so we took a chance and 'did our thing'.  This means Junkies won't be listing potential Fitness winners the rest of the week... sniff, sniff...  Guess we're not happy after all... :(

4.  FUN FACT OF THE DAY!  Did you know that Alabama now has back-to-back prelim Evening Gown/OSQ wins at MAOT???  Our good friends at CROWNED reminded us about that little tid-bit... If you haven't joined the "Crowned" Facebook page or followed their blog yet - you can check out the blog here - and the Facebook page here!  These guys have the corner on historical facts and stats about MAO from the "Golden Age" of Miss America all the way through today :)  Don't Miss It!

OK - So... It's time to play the prediction game again!  We were pretty lucky going 2 for 2 last night - can we do it again tonight???  For the record - nobody here is holding their breath...  But that's what makes the competition so much FUN!!!  Just in case you need the competition groups outlined again - here it is...  Tonight the BLUE GROUP performs Talent and the WHITE GROUP is in Evening Wear/On-Stage Question

Here we go :)

TALENT - Arizona, Wisconsin, Hawaii, Tennessee
Oh dear... if you thought Talent was strong last night - we're having another tough time narrowing this list down tonight!  Our original list had NINE different states - and we had to whittle it down to these four states.  Trust me - it wasn't easy... it should be another doozie of a Talent night in Orlando!

GOWN/OSQ - Mississippi, Nebraska, Washington, Georgia
LOL!  Again, this list was super tough for us to bring down to 4 states... There are some very beautiful and super articulate girls competing for this prelim win tonight... We felt pretty confident about yesterday's choices - but today... not so much.  By tomorrow, we may just throw 4 darts at the list of names and call it good.

And there you have it!  We'll post the results tonight and give you one more blog tomorrow choosing Thursday's winners!  And of course - we're happy to get your picks tonight too!  Junkies always say - the more, the merrier!!! :)

Until Then - :)
Founding Junkie

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