Sunday, June 29, 2014


Well Hello Again Junkies!!!  Time for another wrap-up post regarding this week's competitions!

This official "morning after blog" is always interesting... And trust me... After watching who was winning preliminary awards this week, I'll admit... Junkies were slightly nervous about the results!  Let's just say it was a nail-biting, nerve-racking, hair-pulling, popcorn-munching, kind of evening!

Now, before we evaluate our results, I hope you'll let me take just a few moments to remind all of our awesome and loyal followers of a few things...

1. JUNKIES AREN'T PERFECT.  We've said it once, we'll say it a million times and we're not ashamed to admit it - Junkies are not perfect!!!  Just because we don't list "your favorite girl" in our "Here's Who To Watch List" it doesn't mean she's not worthy of the crown.  It doesn't mean she has no chance.  It doesn't mean we have a secret agenda to sabatoge her confidence in hopes of getting 'our girl' to win or any other crazy theory you can come up with... (lol)... It only means we aren't perfect.

2. JUNKIES PREDICT FROM WHAT'S ON PAPER.  In 95% of the pageants held, we've never met a single girl competing for the title of Miss State.  You many find that hard to believe - but it's true! When we make our predictions, our picks are based off information we find online and previous finishes (and in some cases - you'd be surprised how hard it is to find accurate information regarding previous finishes!)... RARELY have we ever seen any of these ladies compete on stage and it's even rarer that we've actually met one of them in person.  Hence the reason why (see point #1 above...) We're not perfect! :)

3. JUNKIES JUST WANNA HAVE FUN.  That's how this all started and what it's supposed to be for everyone reading - FUN!!!  :)  If it's not fun for you and your friends/family, that's ok... We don't 'demand' that anyone have fun while following us - but FUN is the whole reason we play the game!  We're just out here in cyber-space, blogging our little hearts out, trying to see if we can pick winners having never met these ladies - and believe it or not, to us, IT'S FUN!!! :)  Trust me, we don't spend hours of our lives researching and writing and posting because we have 'something to prove'.  To us, our end goal isn't about "being right" - We do this, because Junkies Just Wanna Have Fun.  :)

Capiche? :)

Cool - Reminders over... Thanks for indulging me.  Now, let's get to the results from this week's state pageants!!! :)

Even though we had nine state pageants last night - we also had Miss West Virginia take place on Tuesday of this past week... So, let's start with WV - How did Junkies do???

West Virginia - 4 for 5, Missed the Winner

Congrats to Paige Madden - the new Miss WV and the only girl we didn't have on our watch list from the Top 5!  Nice Work!

And now - moving to last night's results... Junkies are excited to report - we didn't miss a single winner last night!!! WHOOOOO HOOOOOO!  Our first perfect weekend since the pageant season started!!!

Connecticut - 5 for 5, listed the Winner
Maryland - 5 for 5, listed the Winner
South Carolina - 3 for 5, listed the Winner
Virginia - 4 for 5, listed the Winner
Oregon - 5 for 5, listed the Winner
California - 2 for 5, listed the Winner
Louisiana - 5 for 5, listed the Winner
New Mexico - 5 for 5, listed the Winner
Puerto Rico - 4 for 5, listed the Winner (LOL!  Crazy Lucky!!!)

So - 9 for 9 last night - YAY!  And when you include Miss West Virginia - Here's where we land!

9 for 10 = 90% for listing winners
42 for 50 = 84% for listing Top 5 finishers

Which means... (drum roll please)... Junkies have our BEST WEEKEND OF THE YEAR!!! :)

Now - if you haven't already glazed over with stats and numbers, we still need to give you our over-all, cumulative totals for the year... We'll try to keep it simple... Here's Where We Land...


39 for 45 = 87% when listing the winners
162 for 223 = 73% when listing Top 5 finishers

THERE YOU HAVE IT!!!  Miss Massachusetts takes place at 3pm EST today (Sunday) - and the only remaining pageants are Texas, Washington, Mississippi, Idaho and Kentucky!!!

And just for the record - YES - WE'RE HAVING FUN!!! Hope you are too!!!

Until Next Week - JUNKIES UNITE!!!


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