Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Miss Utah

Because the Junkies didn't make it to the first night of preliminary competition at Miss America this year, I'm afraid we missed something spectacular... Danica Olsen, Miss Utah in her swimsuit...

Several people who were there, told us it might've been the best swimsuit body they've EVER seen on the Miss America stage since moving to Vegas.  Danica didn't have a 6-pack, she had an 8-pack!  And she was blessed with broad shoulders and a perfectly proportionate body.  She was the very first swimsuit the judges saw at Miss America 2012 and obviously, they didn't like anything else better.  Wowzers!!! :)

Miss Utah History:  Two Miss Americas hail from Utah... Colleen Hutchins in '52 and Sharlene Wells in 85 (known as 'Clean Sharlene' because she was crowned the year after Vanessa Williams gave up her crown).

Items of Note:  Miss Utah is known for getting "new" and "fresh" contestants each and every year.  Very few girls come back year after year, because more often than not, Utah crowns a rookie.  Also, it's a bit of a down year for Miss Utah... there are only 44 girls competing for the crown this year (ONLY - lol!)

Best Research Tool:  The Miss Utah site has oodles of pictures, including last year's preliminary winners (which oddly enough, 3 dancers won all 3 talent prelims last year).

Who to Watch:  Really tough for us to do a good job on this one... considering the fact that there are zillions of newbies... here's our best shot..

Alicia Lee - first time at Miss Utah, Jazz Dancer with lots of personality

Ciera Pekarick - 2nd runner up in 11, prelim swimsuit, will be her 3rd time at Miss Utah

Lauren Tucker - second time at Miss Utah, vocalist, won a tough local

Brooke Christensen - former Miss Utah USA competitor, a registered nurse working in neurology/trauma and intensive care

Meredith Gaufin - Miss Utah Outstanding Teen '09 where she made Top 10, harpist, first time at Miss Utah

Seriously - this might have been the hardest pageant to research out of all of our posts thus far... Apologies in advance if we don't even come close on this one!!!

Junkies LOVE Utah ---- we just don't have a clue who's going to win!?!  LOL!!! :)


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