Saturday, January 1, 2011

First post of 2010

Can you believe it?  Once again, we're nearing the end of January... Which
means it's that special time of year when we all gather around the
television as we prepare to crown a NEW MISS AMERICA!!!

I'm certain that each of you have been chewing your nails in anticipation of
seeing the girls in Vegas this just two short weeks!  Ok - well, to be
perfectly honest, it kinda snuck up on me this year.  After all - there is
no "pre-show" on TLC this year... So there's no way to catch the girls and
their personalities until the final night of competition (Perhaps they
realized how good we all were at picking the winner last year and they
wanted to bring back the element of surprise!).

However - there are new opportunities for information this year... For
example, I'm desperately trying to discover who's heavy on twitter so I can
get information as it happens from Vegas.  Can I just say - I won't be
following Perez Hilton - that's for sure!

I must tell you - having the pageant at the end of the month is not good for
my professional life (I've got budgets to hit you know) - AND - top it all
off with the fact that I was asked to host a fundraiser on behalf of our
radio station on the very same night as Miss America!  How unfair is that?
:(  Yes - that means, even though every one of YOU will know who our new
Miss America is before I do... At least I will have an excuse for watching
the pageant in my royal purple Tadashi gown and fancy earrings!!! :)

So - those are the initial highlights... And my way of reminding you all to
arrange your schedules so you are near your TV on Saturday, January 30th
(yes - that's the same day as the K-State/KU game in Manhattan... The one
where ESPN Gameday is coming to town... Just another reason why I'll be
wearing a PURPLE gown that night - and boy, my Tivo is going to be BUSY!).

As always - rules of the game include...

1. Please forward these emails to anyone and everyone you know who can
handle and of course fully appreciate my nerosis when it comes to Miss
2. Feel free to respond with your own thoughts or comments on my thoughts
and comments.
3. Don't just take my word for it - take a few moments to double check my
favorite websites that give a bit of 'inside scoop'.
4. If Miss Vermont wins anything this year it will be considered beyond
comprehension... Much like watching Miss America without chocolate.

Can't wait to get another update to you... The girls arrive in Vegas on
Thursday, January 21st - but I'll be in California at a Manager's conference
until Friday night... So you probably won't hear from me for at least a
week.  But you have plenty of time to check things out on your own... :)
And of course every state has their own site where you can learn more about
your favorites.  Also, I'm guessing TLC will have some new stuff up on their
site before long too.

Until we meet again ---- start practicing -----  "There she is....."

:) crl

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