Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Junkies FAQ's Part One...

If you've poked around this site for any length of time, you can tell the Junkies' Blog "Comes Alive" around Miss America and more recently, during State Pageant Season.  In an effort to "Keep the Blog Alive" between now and September, we thought we'd do our best to come up with topics of interest to Junkies across the nation.  Therefore, today's post addresses some Frequently Asked Questions that have come to us while we travel to various state pageants, via Facebook, Twitter or in personal conversation for people who meet us...

So here you go... In no particular order... These are your Top 10 FAQ's answered by none other than the "Founding Junkie" herself...

1.  How did you decide to start Miss America Junkies?
          ~ Four years ago, I was frustrated and disappointed with how much negativity existed online in Miss America forums.  I longed for a site that would 'lift up' contestants, encourage them to get the most out of their Miss America experience, and would showcase the best of what each girl had to offer - be it compassion, humor, talent, beauty or grace.  Two years passed... and when I realized I couldn't find what I was looking for, I simply decided to start it myself.  Nearly 4500 Facebook fans and Twitter followers later, I guess I was on to something. :) 

2.  Did you ever compete yourself at Miss America or in other pageants?
          ~ I'm afraid I never made it to Miss America... but I enjoyed growing up in a 'Pageant Family'. My pageant career consisted of being named the 1st Runner Up at my state Junior Miss pageant then competing twice at my Miss America State pageant.  I finished as the 2nd Runner Up in my state which also allowed me to compete at Miss Sweetheart in fabulous Hoopeston, Illinois. :)

3.  Do you have a 'regular' full-time job?
          ~ Yes!  I happen to be the VP/GM of a National Media Company by day and a Junkie by night. :)

4.  How do you choose the girls who make your "Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch" list?
          ~ Essentially, we do our best to research the Top 5/Top 10 from the last 2 or 3 years of competition (which can be surprisingly difficult depending on the amount of accurate/inaccurate media coverage your state pageant receives).  Then, we look up Outstanding Teen state winners and runner ups (again - runner up coverage is sometimes very hard to find!).  Then, we look at head-shots and see who catches our eye.  Truth is, we've actually been doing this long enough now that we're pretty familiar with several names and faces from certain states - which makes our jobs much easier!

5.  What has been the biggest surprise to you since you started Miss America Junkies?
          ~ Hands Down... the biggest surprise to me is learning how many incredible young women are more than qualified to represent their state at Miss America.  In many cases, the girls who finish as the 1st or 2nd runner up are just as qualified to be "Miss State" - but for whatever reason, they aren't named the winner.  It's a rare thing to compete at Miss America - but seeing intelligent, talented, and capable young ladies finish within arms length of the crown, is not rare at all.

That's Part One of our "MAJ ~ FAQs"... Part Two will be posted soon enough! :)

If you have a question you'd like to ask the Junkies, feel free to post it in our comment section below.  You can also reach us on our Facebook page, through a private Facebook message, through our Twitter Feed or via email at MissAmericaJunkies@gmail.com.  So many ways to "Ask the Junkies" - Just take your pick!  :)



Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Junkies "TOP 5" Wrap-Up Post!!! :)

WHEW!!!!  Welcome to the Junkies "Wrap Up Blog"!

When we started this state pageant season back in April, we had NO IDEA how hard it would be to make it to July 21st!  Fifty-Three Blogs about 53 state pageants can take a toll on even the most dedicated of Junkies!  So - we thought we'd compile a few "Fun Facts" about this year's state pageant season, just in case you didn't know...

~ After writing 53 blogposts, how many did you get right?
Although we wrote 53 posts, we technically only created "Here's Who to Watch" lists for 51 states.  Miss Puerto Rico's facebook page had photos of the contestants, but no names listed (tough to make predictions without researching contestant names) - And we listed all 4 names of the 4 contestants at Miss Virgin Islands (not really a fair way to predict a winner when you list everyone who's competing).  So - of the 51 states where we listed potential ladies to watch (50 + Miss DC) we correctly identified 44 winners.  That translates to being correct 86% of the time. #NotTooShabby 

~ So Tell Us... Who did you miss?
Absent from our list of "Who to Watch" included the state winners from Miss New Hampshire, Miss Iowa, Miss Indiana, Miss Illinois, Miss Texas, Miss Oregon and Miss Idaho.  It doesn't mean we don't love you - but you can bet it means we're paying attention to you now. :)

~ And of the 7 state winners you missed, were you totally shocked? 
Four of these girls were never on our radar and 3 of them we considered listing, but didn't.

~  How many total contestants did you research? 
There were 1380 contestants competing for the 53 state titles this year.  Think about that for a moment...  Nearly 1400 girls!  That means each state had an average of 26 girls competing to win!  We realize most people only care about one state pageant... But our job is to look into all 53 states - and sometimes that means we don't do as much research as we should on "your state".  If you, or your daughter, or your grand-daughter, or your sister, or your roommate, or your cousin, or your neighbor's hair-dresser's best friend wasn't listed, please don't take it personally. :)  We simply couldn't research all 1380 girls and write 53 blogs in basically 2 months.

 ~ Which states received the most interest on your blog?
These 5 photos represent the "5 Most Visited Posts" for this pageant season! From the bottom to the top... We have...
          - 4th Runner Up, Ivana Hall, Miss Texas
          - 3rd Runner Up, Chandler Champion, Miss Alabama
          - 2nd Runner Up, Haley Williams, Miss Michigan
          - 1st Runner Up, Brooke Mosteller, Miss South Carolina
          - Winner = Alison Cook, Miss Oregon!!!!
Big Thanks to all the Junkies who shared these posts with your friends... The 5 posts on these 5 states represented nearly 5000 pageviews!  You guys certainly know how to support your girls! :)

~  What are you going to do now with all your free time?
LOL!  Of course, we've started researching these 53 girls for Miss America!  Because Atlantic City is right around the corner - we think we'll have some strong insights into this class in ways we haven't before.  We can't wait to give our Preliminary Predictions and see the results come September!

So - there you go!  A plethora of pageantry propaganda at your fingertips!

And you thought 'Miss America Junkies' was just a name... :)



Tuesday, July 16, 2013


The final blogpost for this state class features none other than Sloane Roberts, Miss Arkansas 2012!

During her time at Miss America, Sloane received the coveted "Miss Congeniality" award... and her reaction to this honor was posted on her Facebook page...

"When my name was called in the dressing room as the 2013 recipient of the Miss Congeniality award, I knew that His (God's) light shined way brighter than I even imagined. In that moment, I felt so humbled. Of course, emotions were on edge and I cried like a baby. That award is by far the greatest achievement I have ever made. I am so glad I had more of an impact on 52 other girls that I will remain in contact with rather than the judges who have probably already forgotten about me. I gave a short speech to the girls telling them how much I loved them and appreciated that more than they even knew..."

We know Sloane Roberts has a heart of Gold - and wish her the best in her future endeavors... We look forward to watching her blossom beyond the pageant stage in the years to come!

And now - The final state competition for Miss America is bound to be a doozie!  There are 20 veterans, 25 newbies for a total of 45 girls!  Although we expect some newbies to make some waves, we're listing our top picks based on previous performance.

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Morgan Holt - 1st runner up '12, AR OT '07
Amy Crain - 1st runner up '09, 2nd runner up '10, Top 10 '11
Brooke Ault - Top 10 '12, Alpha Interview and Talent awards
Somer Allen - 3rd runner up '11, Top 10 in '12
Tracy Neal - Top 15  in '12, Gown, SS and Alpha Interview awards
Lauren Howell - Prelim Gown '12, Tap Dancer

Good Luck Ladies!!!


Winner = AMY CRAIN
1st Runner Up = Tracy Neal
2nd Runner Up = Abby Lindsey
3rd Runner Up = Kiley Wright
4th Runner Up = Lauren Howell

Sunday, July 14, 2013


From Miss New York, Shannon Oliver's personal blog about becoming Miss New York...

          I was sitting in an apartment in Harlem with six strangers and one friend while watching the Miss America Pageant.  And then it happened. My words were gone. I couldn't say "She did it!!" No, I could not even muster an "Oh my gosh!!" Instead, what can only be described as a banshee scream came pouring out of my mouth. Honestly, it sounded as though I had just witnessed murder. My voice teacher would have had a fit on account of my vocal chords as this terrible noise erupted from my throat for what must have been at least 15 full seconds. Eventually I stopped screaming when I realized that the neighbors of this stranger's apartment might call the police. 

"Shannon! Maybe you'll take Mallory's title!", I looked at them as though they had just suggested that in a week from now I'd be on the moon. Crazy-talk.
Well, crazy-talkers, you win. Here I sit, the new Miss New York 2012. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it since, in my mind, Mallory will always be Miss New York 2012."

We think Shannon has been an excellent Miss New York - and would highly encourage you to follow her blog at Shannon's NYC.  She's spunky, confident and only wishes her mom could've been around to see her wear the crown.

Mallory Hagan WILL be on hand to crown the new Miss New York - and this one isn't going to be easy!  There are 5, count 'em, FIVE former Outstanding Teen state winners competing at New York... along with some additional stiff competition!  Can't Wait to see who walks away with this one!!!

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Nora Ali - America's Jr. Miss '07, Violin Talent
Katie Berry - 1st runner up '12, Prelim SS and Talent, 2nd runner up NJ '10, NJ OT '05
Acacia Courtney - Top 10 '12, CT OT '09
Nina Davuluri - 2nd runner up '12, MI OT '06, 1st Runner Up at MAOT
Amanda Mason- 4th runner up '11
Desiree Wiley - 3rd runner up '11, 4th runner up '12 Prelim SS and Gown
Camille Sims - GA OT '10, 2nd runner up MAOT
Amanda Alicea - NY OT 05, NY Teen America '07 2nd Runner up Nationals



1st Runner Up = Amanda Mason
2nd Runner Up = Acacia Courtney
3rd Runner Up =   Desiree Wiley
4th Runner Up = Theresa Lii

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Miss Mississippi Marie Wicks simply exudes warmth, generosity and sincerity.  When watching videos about her, she strikes us as the kind of person who would casually stroll along an quiet, tree-lined street, curiously considering whether or not anyone in history ever walked the same path.

After all, Marie has an inquisitive mind... She has a dual degree in International Studies and French, with a minor in Chemistry.  And while her future plans are not 100% set in stone, she's thinking of a combination of medicine and law because, as she says, she just "loves learning".

At Miss America, Marie was named a Quality of Life finalist, a non-finalist Talent Award winner and was also Mallory Hagan's roommate.  A couple of select awards to be proud of and 10 days with the future Miss America may prove to the least of Marie's accomplishments if she continues to learn, grow and be that classic, "Southern Soul" we love.

And now - Miss Mississippi 2013 is crazy competitive!  With 35 contestants, this one will not be easy at all!

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch!

Breanne Ponder - MS USA '10, Top 10 at Miss USA
Jasmine Murray - 1st runner up '12, America Idol Top 13 Finalist, Miss MS OT '07 = Top 10 at MAOT
Shelby Corn - 1st runner up '11, Prelim SS
Jessica Terrill - 2nd runner up '12, Top 10 in '11
Chassidy Sumler - 3rd runner up '12
Chelsea Rick - 4th runner up '12, Prelim SS
Laura Lee Lewis - MS OT '09
Kennitra Thompson - spent 2 weeks in a coma on life support and nearly died from an allergic reaction, Miss Black MS USA '10
Jordin Johnson - 4.0 nursing student, competitve gymnast, 1st time to Miss MS
Adrian Turner - 3rd year Pharmacy Student, 2nd time at Miss MS

We'll be watching these results closely!  Good Luck Ladies! :)


1st Runner Up = Hannah Roberts
2nd Runner Up = Laura Lee Lewis
3rd Runner Up = Jordin Johnson
4th Runner Up = Caroline Conerly

Friday, July 12, 2013


Miss Virgin Islands, Aniska Tonge shone brightly in Vegas... literally.  Anyone who was there saw her amazing gold evening gown - The Junkies even saw her after the pageant was over and complimented her on it in person!

Like many of the other contestants, Aniska regularly updated a blog about her year.  We particularly loved an entry she made in September, reminding us how important it is to have a strong 'support system' in the life of a pageant girl...

          "I can't begin to express how amazing and rare this experience is. Today I took my official head and competition shots. What a feeling! I brought my mom along as well and although I love how proud I have made others, her being proud of me is truly the most fulfilling. She said last night that her little girls were all grown up and soon we wouldn't need her anymore. But how wrong she is. She has taught me every value of a true queen; resilience in the time of struggle, faith when the dark times seem more powerful, and above all love and compassion. I feel as though I am most prepared for this journey because of what she has taught me, so today I took my official pictures for Miss America, and that meant such a great deal to me...But today my mom used her phone and took a million unofficial pictures of her "princess" and that meant the world to me."
For all the 'pageant moms' out there who have taught your daughters well, the Junkies say, "Thank You" :)
And now - here are the 4 contestants vying for the title of Miss Virgin Islands, 2013!

Naydyeyah Acoy-Thomas - 2nd runner up Miss St. Croix
Ashley Massiah - competed in '12
Cahtriellah Shabazz - competed in '12
Jessica Willock - 1st runner up VI OT '11

Good Luck, Ladies!  Junkies Wish you the Best!!! :)


Thursday, July 11, 2013


The Junkies were "Uber-Proud" of Whitney Wood, Miss Idaho 2012!  She was precisely the kind of contestant who 'grows' within the Miss America system and was willing to put in the work to showcase her strengths.  Allow me to list the awards Whitney received at Miss America:

- Quality of Life Finalist - Handbags of Hope - $2000
- Non-Finalist Talent Award - $1000
- Louanna Gamba Instrumentalist Award - $1000
- Miss America State Finalist - $3000
- Total = $7000

Of the 53 girls at Miss America, Whitney won more scholarships than 41 ladies on stage!  In fact, she won just as much scholarship money as the Top 10 finalists won!  The Junkies thoroughly appreciate how Miss America rewards ladies like Whitney for their collective efforts - and not just those who 'make the finals'.  Idaho should be proud!!!

And when it comes to Miss Idaho 2013, this a bit of a head-scratcher for us... It doesn't seem like our choices are as "obvious"... Plenty of deserving ladies could win this year!

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Kacie Bitzenburg - 2nd runner up '12
Kaitlin Anderson - 4th runner up '12
Kalie Wright - SS and interview winner at her local
Meg Rowe - 4th runner up '10, 3rd runner up '11 
Dani Beckstrom - ID OT '08
Lauren Parkhurst - Cinderella Scholarship Pageant Winner, AL USA contestant
Sierra Sandison - was just diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a year ago, beautiful girl



1st Runner Up = Katelyn Anderson
2nd Runner Up = Laura Hampikian
3rd Runner Up = Emily Housman
4th Runner Up = Kayli Schwendamin

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Miss Sweetheart

Everyone Sing!  

"I belong with you... You belong with me... You're my Sweet - heart..."

First and foremost, The Junkies LOVE Sweetheart!!!  In case you're not familiar with Miss Sweetheart, here's a bit of background.  Near the Indiana/Illinois border, the National Sweetcorn Festival takes place every year in Hoopeston, IL.  It's a "county fair" type of atmosphere filled with tractors, amusement park rides and of course, sweetcorn!  Contestants who finish as the 1st runner up to the winner of their state pageant receive an invitation to attend Miss Sweetheart.  If the 1st runner up has a conflict, the 2nd runner up is invited and so-on down the line.  Ladies across the county, who were within a heartbeat of heading to Miss America (and might still be disappointed in their loss), now get the chance to participate in a mini-version of Miss America in the middle of Hoopeston, IL (population 5300).  LOL - You really have to see it to believe it! :)

Because these girls were oh-so-close to winning their own state title, you can bet the women competing are usually quite polished - and the talent is exquisite.  Miss Sweetheart is truly an unexpected little gem in the middle of acres and acres of crazy corn fields.

Some girls attend just for the experience.  Some girls are still fully engaged in "competition mode" and are serious about proving they could've/should've won their own state title.  Some girls take one look around and realize in order to be 'on par' for Miss America, they're going to have to take it up a notch.  Overall - we've never met anyone who attended Miss Sweetheart, say that she regretted her decision.  Of course, some girls do go back and win their own state title, making Miss Sweetheart a significant part of their journey to the Miss America stage.  But for some girls - Miss Sweetheart is as close as they will ever come to Miss America.  That's why Sweetheart is so special.

Now - Our Miss Contestants have a few "Sweethearts" among them... Here they are...

Miss Arkansas Amy Crain - AR Sweetheart '10 (4th runner up)
Miss Connecticut Kaitlyn Tarpey - CT Sweetheart '12 (prelim SS award)
Miss Georgia Carly Mathis - GA Sweetheart '12
Miss Kentucky Jenna Day - KY Sweetheart '11 (Top 10)
Miss Massachusetts Amanda Narciso - MA Sweetheart '11 (Prelim Talent 2nd runner up)
Miss Nevada Diana Sweeney - NV Sweetheart '12
Miss North Dakota Lara Harmon - ND Sweetheart '11
Miss Virginia Desiree Williams - VA Sweetheart '12 (Prelim SS Sweetheart Winner)
Miss Washington Reina Almon - WA Sweetheart '12
Miss Wyoming Rebecca Podio - WY Sweetheart '12

Since Miss Sweetheart began, there have been 9 ladies who attended Miss Sweetheart that went on to win the Miss America crown = Pam Eldred, Rebecca King, Elizabeth Ward, Debbye Turner, Carolyn Sapp, Leanza Cornett, Tara Holland, Katie Harmon and Caressa Cameron.  And while Miss Sweetheart performance is no guarantee of Miss America performance, there have been plenty of Miss Sweetheart contestants who perform quite well at Miss America (too many to name in this post!).

So - who's attending Miss Sweetheart this year?  Glad you asked!  Take a peek at these 43 girls - because you might just be getting a glimpse of a few Miss Contestants for the title of Miss America 2015! :)

AL - Hayley Barber
AK - Sarah Cvancara
AZ - Katelyn Niemiec
AR - Tracy Neal
CA - Jordan Krinke
CO - Kristin Schubert
CT - Liz Wong
DE - Alix Gardner
DC - Azah Awasum
FL - Janae Deleon
GA - Courtney Walker
HI - Lei Ui Kaholokula
ID - Katelyn Anderson
IL - Savannah Teegarden
IN - Hannah Clingan
KS - Ashley Ulmer
KY - Kiley Shuffett
LA - Julianne Tippen
ME - Marisa Butler
MD - Sam Hawkins
MA - Meagan Fuller
MN - Emily Kallis
MO - Mary Bauer
NE - Megan Dimmitt
NH - Kendall Wipff
NJ - Brenna Weick
NM - Gabby Torres
ND - Meagan McDougall
OH - Cayla Hellwarth
OR - Kayla Gordon
PR - Allison Ortiz
RI - Ivy DePew
SC - Lauren Cabaniss
SD - Morgan Black
TN - Sarah Stokely
TX - Michelle Hanson
UT - Aly Johnson
VT - Nina Merriam
VA - Victoria Maiden
WA - Hannah Faith Price
WV - Ashley McGlaughlin
WI - Madeline Anderson
WY - Mikaela Shaw

(The photograph of each contestant corresponds with the alphabetical order listing from left to right... Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, etc) :)

These ladies arrive at Miss Sweetheart this very weekend - with the final night of Miss Sweetheart on Sunday, September 1st!  ALL THE BEST TO THE MISS SWEETHEART DELEGATES!!! Good Luck Ladies!!! :)


Monday, July 8, 2013


Do an impromptu  "google search" on Laura McKeeman & nearly every listing has 3 things: First, she's a sports reporter (most of us knew that). Second, she's dating (now engaged) to a professional baseball player (Wow!)  Finally, she's "Miss Florida" (duh).  Add those 3 things together... and Laura McKeeman seems a little like the Kate Middleton of America!  But dig a little deeper and you'll learn how close she came to having none of it!

First - Laura's friends entered her in her first pageant as a joke (btw - she finished as the 1st runner up)!  In her 3 years at Miss Florida, she won the interview competition every year.  WOW!

Second - She wasn't actually looking to become a sports reporter when she applied for a job at her campus radio station - but that's what they had available, so she took it!  Then, a big-wig at Fox heard her voice and liked it - and offered her a job on the spot (without ever seeing her).  DANG!

Third - Laura's fiancee played shortstop for the Alabama Crimson Tide before being drafted by the Colorado Rockies, where he's now playing 2nd base (he was only supposed to be 'filling in' - but made the most of his opportunity and earned a spot on the team).  Wish we knew how they met... It's like an SEC fairy-tale waiting to be told... (lol).
WE CAN'T WAIT to see everything Laura McKeeman becomes over the next 10 years... She now works for Fox Sports San Diego as their primary sideline reporter and it's just a matter of time before she's a household name.  Not because she married a big-leaguer, but because SHE IS a big-leaguer! :)   

And now - who should you keep an eye on for Miss FL 2013??? Hmmmm....

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Kalen Dennis - 2nd runner up '12, 1st runner up '11, Prelim Talent
Myrrhanda Jones - 4th runner up '11, Prelim SS, FL OT '09 2nd runner up MAOT
Jillian Tapper - 3rd runner up '12
Chloe Lupo - 4th runner up '12, Prelim SS
Janae DeLeon - Top 11 in '12, beautiful voice
Katherine Pena - Miss FL USA '11
Sydney Keister - FL OT '06, Top 10 '08
Victoria Cowen - 1st runner up FL OT '10
Ashley Ramsey - Top 15 '11, Top 10 '12



1st Runner Up = Kalen Dennis
2nd Runner Up = Janae Deleon
3rd Runner Up = Chloe Lupo
4th Runner Up = Sydney Keister


Miss South Carolina Ali Rogers was certainly a 'person of interest' all week during Miss America 2013.  As a prelim swimsuit winner and flat-out gorgeous on stage, Ali truly shined.  And - ask anyone who was in Vegas that night - I swear there was an audible gasp in the room when Mallory Hagan was named the winner... After all, Ali was featured in the ABC special that ran prior tot he pageant and according to Vegas odds-makers, Ali was an 8-1 favorite to win the crown (stronger than any other contestant).  Plenty of people thought Ali would be named Miss America 2013 and 'oh so close' she came!

Because of her finish, Ali received plenty of attention and lots of press.  And, it's always interesting to see how the 1st runner up reacts after gaining some perspective a couple of months post-Miss America.  From the Clemson University online paper,

          "Her roots in her faith and her kindhearted disposition help her manage the responsibility of having thousands of eyes on her. On top of that, her humble perspective helps her keep a level head about the burst of popularity.
          “Next year I’ll be a ‘has-been’ and nobody will care to follow Miss SC 2012,” she laughs.
           She shed no tears of disappointment when she came in second.
          “I wasn’t let down at all; I didn’t grow up wanting to be Miss America. I thought if I made Top 15, great. So being first-runner-up was far enough for me.”
The Junkies wish Ali all the best on her return to Clemson University and her continued work with special needs children.  The state of South Carolina has plenty to be proud of between Ali Rogers and Miss America's Outstanding Teen Rachel Wyatt.  And - no doubt, there's an amazing list of girls at Miss South Carolina this year too... this one could go any which way!

Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2013/04/22/2736537/was-miss-sc-too-southern-to-become.html#storylink=cpy

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:
Lauren Cabaniss - 1st runner up 12, 3rd runner up 12
Lindley Mayer - 2nd runner up '10, 2nd runner up '11, SC OT 05
Brooke Mosteller - 3rd runner up '12
Leighann Bagwell - 4th runner up '12
Lara Scott - 4th runner up '11
Clarka Wickliffe - Top 11 in '12
Maegan Garner - Top 11 in' '12
Analouisa Valencia - gained lots of press because she's bilingual, biracial, and the first open lesbian competing at Miss SC



1st Runner Up = Lindley Mayer
2nd Runner Up = Clarka Wickliffe
3rd Runner Up =Lauren Cabaniss
4th Runner Up = Lanie Hudson

Friday, July 5, 2013


Miss Puerto Rico, Kiaraliz Medina donned a 'new accessory' during one of her preliminary nights of competition... Crutches!  :( 

Unfortunately, Kiaraliz twisted her ankle backstage and fainted because of the pain (gracious!).  However, she was a good sport about the incident when giving her state introduction... She said, "I'm here to make the crutches look good" :)

The Junkies regret to say... this is about to be a super-short blogpost about Puerto Rico.  While we have photos of 12 of the 13 girls competing from their Facebook page (one photo is missing) - there are no names, which I'm afraid makes researching the contestants all but impossible.

In any event, I'm certain a very beautiful, talented and well-deserving woman will win the crown this year and do a fine job of representing Puerto Rico in Atlantic City come September!

Junkies Wish Everyone at Miss PR ALL THE BEST!!!


Thursday, July 4, 2013


Just before Christmas 2012, Miss Washington Mandy Schendel spent time at a military base thanking soldiers and families for their service.  Mandy's grandfather retired from the Army, her dad served 5 years in the Army and her mom describes herself as a 'military brat' growing up on various bases.  During this event, Mandy was able to encourage military children to make wise choices - and her presence didn't go unnoticed.

"They thought she was a princess, with the crown," Army-mom Sydney Flores said - adding that her daughters were delighted to have a photo taken with Schendel. "I think that was a really good thing to see themselves in a picture with someone they'd probably like to be."

Who knows... perhaps Mandy had her photo taken with someone who just might become Miss Washington one day!

Congrats to Mandy on her Top 10 finish and prelim swimsuit win at Miss America in Vegas --- We wouldn't at all be surprised if we see Miss Mandy on the Washington USA stage in the near future!  She could become one of those rare 'triple crown' winners who wins their state in Teen USA, Miss America and Miss USA!

Now - as we look at this year's Miss WA class... we know there are plenty of strong contestants competing... and of course... 

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:
Reina Almon - Prelim Gown and 1st runner up '12, WA OT '09
Catherine Waters - Rookie of the yr '12, Prelim Talent '12
Victoria Knight - WA OT '08
Shannon Touhy - 4th runner up '07
Kaylee Dunn- Prelim SS '12
Mckenzie Novell - Prelim SS '12

Item to Note: Paige and Laura Kuhn are sisters both competing for Miss WA this year!


1st Runner Up = Hannah Price
2nd Runner Up = Shannon Tuohy
3rd Runner Up = Kelsey Schmidt
4th Runner Up = Catherine Watters

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Even when she was just a kid, Danae Couch, Miss Texas, knew what she wanted to be a lawyer when she 'grew up'.

And in an interview given in the Texas Bar Journal in September 2012, Danae said pageants were a great "primer" for her legal career.
          "You are thrown into a new environment all of the time and you to think on your feet.  You also have to win people over and endear them to you.  I see closing arguments as being similar.  I think it is helping me hone my advocacy skills."
 Something else Danae has enjoyed since she was a kid is twirling!  In fact Danae's twirling career started at age 8 but her pageant career didn't start until age 20.

And when Danae's advocacy/interview skills combined with her twirling skills, she earned herself a Top 10 finish at Miss America!  Danae will return to law school this fall to finish her studies - and looks to use her law degree to be an advocate for others.

Now - on to this year's Miss Texas Pageant!

Let's start by saying... As easy as it was to list the front runners for Miss Texas last year (if you remember, there were 3 different women who had been named 1st runner up to Miss TX all competing in '12) - it's just THAT HARD to find the front-runners this year!  And - when you compete in Texas, you don't even walk in the door unless you have a fabulous head-shot and a great prep team behind you!  Add all of this to the fact that there are 49 girls competing this year!  So - let's just say, we wouldn't be surprised if someone who's not on our list wins the crown this year.  We did our best --- but this is a tough pageant to pin down!  In light of all that...

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Monique Evans - Top 10 in '11 and prelim talent,
Christine Tang - 4th runner up '12, Top 10 in '09
Taylor Lowrey - TX OT '09
Zoe Cadore - Alpha Talent in '12, Law Student, interned with Congressman Shelia Jackson
Breshell Hurley - Alpha Talent & Alpha Interview winner '12, Top 10 in '12
Callie Thompson - Top 15 '10, TX OT '07
Morgan Fuller - TX Cinderella State Teen '07
Michelle Hanson - Junkies Favorite TX Social Media Junkie :)

Junkies Love Texas!!!  ALL THE BEST! :)

1st Runner Up = Christine Tang
2nd Runner Up = Michelle Hanson
3rd Runner Up = Kaylee Killingsworth
4th Runner Up = Callie Thompson

Monday, July 1, 2013


 Kaitlin Gates was one of 9 former Outstanding Teens who made their way to Miss America 2013... The photo above was taken at a special luncheon in Orlando for former OT's who came back to win a state title.  Just in case you're wondering - the state winners are (from left to right)  OK, IN, MD, WV,  NH, AR, MA, SC and NJ.

It's been lots of fun watching "Outstanding Teens" make their way into the "Miss" arena - and another great way for girls to get to know each other before all being thrown in a room together and saying - "Guess What?  You're all trying to become Miss America - Get Along and Have Fun!"

It didn't happen this year... but one of these years, Miss America will crown a girl who was formerly an Outstanding Teen.  Mallory Hagan has also been a wonderful advocate for the OT program because even though she never won her state, it's where she began her Miss America journey.

This year, we have a few OT winners competing at Miss WV... and

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Makayla Lewis -1st runner up '12, WV Sweetheart delegate '12
Maggie Power - 2nd runner up '12
Jackie Riggleman - Top 8 in '12, WV OT in '09
Bethany Lojewski - WV OT '08
Chelsea Malone - former "WV Idol", 2nd runner up OT '09
Elizabeth Goodall - WV Jr. Miss '09
Jeseca Bragg - Prelim Talent Winner in '11 - 4th time at Miss WV
Miranda Harrison - Non-Finalist Talent Winner at Miss VA '09, Prelim Talent winner '12 and Top 12 at WV

Good Luck Ladies!  :)