Thursday, June 27, 2013


Often times, a newly crowned queen who's been doing this 'pageant thing' for a while, doesn't give a genuine reaction when finally winning her state crown... Not the case with Taylor Kinzler, Miss Massachusetts...

Taylor was no 'newbie' to the Miss America scene... She was Miss MA OT in '08 (at the age of 15), 2nd runner up in '11, 1st runner up in '10 and Miss MA Sweetheart in '10.  To see this kind of reaction from a girl who's been 'playing the game' for that long, tells you about Taylor's heart.

In addition, Taylor had featured gymnastics during her talent during each of those pageants... but at Miss America, she decided to sing!  Not only did she sing - she sang a song EVERYONE thinks they can sing... "At Last" by Etta James (it's a LOT harder than it looks).  The Junkies heard Taylor sing in the preliminary competition at Miss America - and were shocked she hadn't sung in a pageant before!  The judges agreed and rewarded her with a Non-Finalist Talent award that was well deserved!   

And now - Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch for 2013:

Amanda Narcisco - 1st runner up '11, 3rd Runner up at Miss Sweetheart 
Meagan Fuller - Mass Jr. Miss 2010 = Top 10 Finish at Nationals, 1st runner up Mass OT '09
Nicole Diblasi - 4th runner up '12, 2nd runner up Miss MA Teen USA '11
Marissa Louro - 1st runner up Miss RI '12, Top 10 Miss Mass '10
Kelsey Beck - Soph. at Harvard - Mom was Miss FL '71
Janelle Gruenette - Mass Jr. Nat. Teen '04, 1st Runner up Mass Pre-Teen '07
Jenna Nowlin - Non-Finalist Talent '11

Good Luck to Everyone at Miss Mass this Week!  Junkies Love Ya!!!



 Debbe Ebben gained national attention when folks learned the new Miss Alaska had shaved her head!  Debbe gave interview after interview to numerous newspapers across the county; running the gamut between The Huffington Post and John Stossel!  We especially liked this quote we found in The Press-Telegram in Long Beach, CA:
          "I wanted to put meaning and emotion behind (shaving my head), and let people know why I'm doing it - for the kids," she said. "I'm not shaving it to get attention. I'm not shaving it for publicity. I'm not shaving it because it's a really easy hairstyle to go with. I'm shaving it for them."

Because of her dedication to her platform, we know Debbe will continue to make an impact on children struggling with Cancer... with or without her hair. :)

And now - Let's talk about Miss Alaska 2013!  We're not super confident about our picks here... Not a whole lot of online research to work with, but we're doing the best we can for the ladies of The Last Frontier!

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch: 

Veronica Temple - 3rd runner up '11, Miss AK OT '09, Miss AK Teen USA '12
Sarah Cvancara - Won 1st local of the year, lovely voice
Lillian Crayton - Won the same local as Debbe Ebben
Michelle Taylor - Super tall - she stands out!

Looking forward to our new Miss Alaska!  All the Best, Ladies!!! :)



Miss Kentucky Jessica Casebolt had the 'perfect attitude' when competing for the Miss KY title last summer... From the Ashland Independent Online:

      “They chose a top five and then called off the winners and I couldn’t believe it!” Casebolt said. “This was my second year competing in Miss Kentucky... I knew I’d worked so hard and prepared, but to be honest, I didn’t expect to win. I was ecstatic.”    

It's that 'relaxed but prepared' attitude that causes girls to 'sparkle'.  There's no pressure, no expectation, no need to get so worked up about life.  If you're still headed into your state title, do yourself a favor; prepare like crazy and then 'let go' while your on stage during pageant week.

This year at Miss Kentucky - it could be anyone's crown to win... Should be a great pageant - because look at this list of returning contestants!!!

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Melissa Cox - non-finalist talent in '12, Sister of Miss IN '12 Merriebeth Cox
Madison McCowan - KY OT '09
Jenna Day - 1st runner up '11 Prelim Talent, semi-finalist '12
Annie Franklin - Prelim SS and 3rd runner up '12, Top 13 in '11
Laura Jones - KY OT '10 and Top 10 at MAOT, non-finalist talent '12
Ashley Ferry - 4th runner up '11 and '12, KY OT '08
Miranda Buchanan - Miss KY Festival Grand Supreme

And - ALL of these ladies were semi-finalists in '12
Ashton Gooch
Ramsey Carpente
Alison Lovely
Claire Butler
Courtney Norvell



Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Most of us saw Miss Colorado Hannah Porter talk about joining the high school football team during her People's Choice video for Miss America... But do you know how it happened?  From ""...

          "Porter, who couldn’t join the pom-pom team because it was only open to sophomores and up, leisurely strolled the student organization meeting with her father, looking for some sort of activity that appealed to her.
         “I never really was a sports person,” said the self-described “girly girl.” “But as my father and I walked past the freshman football booth, he laughed and said, ‘I’d pay money to see you play football.’
          Porter asked, “How much?”

          Her father never really responded with a firm figure, but she signed up on the spot.
          “I had never played football before, but I went though summer camp, completed all the running drills and didn’t miss practice,” explained Porter who was one of only two girls on the 2002 AHS freshman team. “I never was a starter, but I played in every game, we were undefeated and I stuck with it.”

Just like she 'stuck with' Miss CO after being named 1st runner up twice in a row... And we're glad she did!

This year, Miss CO has an interesting mix of contestants... 

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Stacey Cook - 1st runner up '12, 2rd runner up '11
Kaylah Braun - Top 10, '12, 4th runner up '10
Miranda Mason - 4th runner up '12
Meg Kardos - Top 10 '12, Top 10 at CO USA '13
Michaela Jones - Ms. CO Miss American Co-Ed, CO USA competitor
Kristin Schubert - CO Cinderella Tee '09, Top 10 Nationals
Shannon Patilla - Miss Black History '12 at CSU, strong talent

Good Luck to Everyone at Miss Colorado!!!



When life closes a door... it usually opens a window... Enter Miss Louisiana 2012, Lauren Vizza...

Back in high school, Lauren was a star soccer player who played on the top LA development team in hopes of trying out for the US Olympic women's soccer team one day. Unfortunately, too many knee injuries kept her from running and forced Lauren to "dream new dreams".  That's when someone talked Lauren into trying pageants...

From The Advocate...  “I learned so much about myself,” she said. “I was, like, this is fun. I never did it for the pageant glory. I loved being a voice for something. I loved learning about myself. I think that’s what drove me into it.

On her second attempt at Miss Louisiana, she walked home with the crown - and a realization that everything happens for a reason.  All the Best, Lauren!  We hope to see you hosting press conferences as the Secretary of State one day. :)

Now - the Junkies are officially at a loss... Why?  Because Miss Louisiana is the MOST STACKED RETURNING CLASS we've seen ALL YEAR!!!  Who's returning?  All 4 runner-ups AND all 5 semi-finalists from 2012 are back!  HOLY SCHMOLY!!!  We have no clue who's gonna win this one... but...

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:
Carly McCord - 1st runner up in '12 and '11
Jaden Leach - 2nd runner up '12, semi-finalist '11
Mallory Cox - 3rd runner up '12 Prelim Talent, 3rd runner up '11
Megan Miller - 4th runner up '12 Prelim Talent

All semi-finalists in '12
Chelsi Hefner
Aja Majkrzak
Lauren Ford
Tori Thompson
Jamie Lombardino

Although a 'rookie' could always come out of nowhere - we just think there's way too much experience here not to expect one of these girls above will win.  But - we're not perfect!  We'll just have to see come Saturday night! :)

Good Luck to ALL!!!! :)



As Junkies, Delaware is one of those states we have completely fallen in love with... mainly because in recent years, several Miss Delawares have fared quite well on the Big Stage at Miss America!  Kayla Martell '10 was a Top 10 Finalist and 1st runner up Quality of Life Award... Maria Cahill '11 was a Non-Finalist Talent Winner... And Alyssa Murray '12 was the Non-Finalist Interview Winner this year!

Although we know Delaware always sends a 'Quality' Girl to Miss America, we were thrilled with the 'somewhat quirky' girl they crowned in Alyssa Murray.  Between Alyssa and Maria (Miss DE '11), we feel a little sorry for whoever is crowned Miss DE 2013... Only because she's going to have to stand next to Maria and Alyssa every year on stage as a 'former'!  What we wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall every year those 2 stand on stage together for the next 40 years! :)

Alright - on to this year's competition!  Which is PACKED!!! 

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Renee Bull - 1st runner up '12, Prelim SS, Miss Congeniality
Victoria Brown-O'Brien - DE OT '11
Amanda Debus - DE OT '08, DE Teen USA '11
Erin Magnin - 2nd runner up '12, 3rd runner up '11, Top 10 in '10
Angelica Nardi - 4th runner up NJ '12
Veronica Townsend - DE DYW (formerly known as Jr. Miss) '10
Rebecca Jackson - 3rd runner up '12
Brittany Lewis - 3rd runner up PA '12

GOOD LUCK LADIES!!!  All the Best!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013



That's Right!  We love all of our "SD Junkies" and can't wait to meet as many of you in person as we can!  We've heard amazing things about your production and look forward to a wonderful show!

Calista Kirby, Miss SD 2012 was one of our favorite 'on-the-bubble' girls in Vegas :)  We watched her shine on stage, loved her evening gown and believe she was 'oh so close' to making that Top 15.  Plus, Calista is a driven, goal-oriented kind of girl.  In nearly every article we found about her, she mentioned goal setting...

          Calista is quoted as saying, "Don’t be afraid to set big goals. Having dreams and setting goals will encourage you to hold yourself to a high standard and be the best version of yourself each and every day." “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” -Les Brown"

With that kind of attitude, we know Calista has a bright future ahead of her! Oh - and All the Best to Calista and her fiancee!  #EMAW! ;)

Now - who will be able to fill Calista's shoes?  Good Question!  Here's our picks...

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch: 

Autumn Simunek - 2nd runner up in 12 Prelim Talent, 4th runner up in '11, SD OT 07
Tessa Dee - 3rd runner up in '12, rookie of the year in '12
Julia Kendrix - Top 8 in '12
Carrie Wintle - SD OT '08
Jade Possail (returnee from '12)

Item to note:  Maria Anderson, Katie Barrett and Delaney Graves were 1st, 2nd and 4th runner up respectively at Miss SD OT '12

GOOD LUCK LADIES!!!  Can't wait to see you on Saturday Night!!! :)



Rosemary Willis, Miss Virginia 2012 is one of those 'spunky girls' - who doesn't have a problem being 'who she is'.... From Rosemary's College Newspaper...

“I’m not 5’ 10” with long legs and acting as a model — that’s not what Miss Virginia or Miss America does,” Willis said. “Talent is 35 [percent of your score], interview is 25 — so really I’m more of a PR person, someone who can be in a business meeting with intellectuals … and go get dirty playing with kids and teaching them about good decision-making.”

We couldn't have said it better ourselves!  Thanks Rosemary for being a wonderful Miss Virginia and leaving your legacy on so many inside and outside the state!

Now - The best part about Junkie research on Virginia is... PHOTOS GALORE!!!  Check out this link here and you'll see pictures of each girl in swimsuit and evening gown (a tradition at Miss VA to do individual photo shoots at the hotel when they arrive).  Check it out - you won't be sorry!  ALSO - Julius Tolentino is the "Photographer Extraordinaire" at Miss VA --- Check out this link to see 'oodles' of photos all week long - Updated Daily! SO FABULOUS!!!

And now... Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Desiree Williams - 1st runner up '12, "Miss Sweetheart" winner
Courtney Garrett - 1st runner up '11, 3rd runner up '12, Miss VA OT '09
Victoria Maiden - 2nd runner up '12, non-finalist talent award in '11, baton
Charlotte Fraser - Top 11 in '11
Emily Hall - 2nd runner up Miss VA USA '12, 3rd (or 4th) time at Miss VA
Lauren Keidinger, daughter of Miss VA 1986, who won Miss VA on her first attempt and finished 1st runner up to Kellye Cash

Junkies Wish Everyone At MISS VA All the Best!!! :)



After 7 years of involvement in the Miss Oregon organization, Nichole Mead was finally awarded the crown!  She earns our "perseverance award" and serves as a wonderful reminder to those who feel like throwing in the towel... Make sure you don't give in too early... it just might be your year :)

And now - this year's Miss Oregon class has some lovely contestants...

Junkies Say Here's Who Watch:

Lexie Olivia Grant - 1st runner up Miss PA '11 and Miss Congeniality, getting her Masters at Univ of Oregon
Elizabeth Denny - 2nd runner up '11
Brooke Painter - hula dancer, former OT contestant and Jr. Miss contestant
Kayla Gordon - pretty girl, speaks well, piano

Fun Fact = Ashley Cranston and Stephanie Matheson were both on a college episode of "Wheel of Fortune" representing the University of Oregon


Monday, June 24, 2013


Miss Illinois Megan Ervin is from one of those towns where everyone knows your name... and the kind of pizza you like... From the Rockford Register Star...

      Ervin, the reigning Miss Illinois, has without any great fanfare become one of Rushville’s quiet treasures in her own effervescent way.
      Sue Sheppard is a waitress at Pizza Unlimited...
      “Oh yes ... I know Megan and her family,” she said. “They like sausage and pepperoni on their pizza, and they love our Chicago-style stuffed pizza. It’s better than you can get in Chicago.”
Yes - Megan is from a town of less 3200 people (which might seem like a 'big city' depending on what state you're from).  But consider this... Since 1975, only 10 girls have been crowned Miss Illinois that DIDN'T come from the immediate or greater Chicago area!  ONLY 10!!!  Megan's 'girl next door' demeanor is most certainly what made her shine at Miss America... and by 'shine'... we mean, become a Prelim Swimsuit Winner and Top 10 finalist in Vegas. Kudos Megan!!! :)

Now regarding this year's class...

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Jennifer Carr - 1st runner up '12, Prelim SS and Evening Gown
Savannah Teegarden - 3rd runner up '12
Kaitlyn Wher - IL OT '10
Marisa Buchhiet - Top 10 '12, strong vocal, vegan
Lasley Rayni -former IL USA competitor
Ariel Fuller - 1st runner up Miss Black IL USA
Brittany Schulz - 2nd Runner up IL OT '09
Audra Ferguson - Top 10 in '12
Jaryn Franklin - Miss MS Crown Winner '12

Whoooooooooo Hooooooooo for MISS ILLINOIS!!!  GOOD LUCK!!! :)


Sunday, June 23, 2013


Miss California, Leah Cecil made a serious impression on the people who matter most... the contestants in her own state!  This was written by one of the current Miss CA contestants and posted on the Miss CA forum board...

          Another highlight has been how she has organized the Duke of Edinberg awards. We all had the opportunity to go on high adventure on our own in order to win the awards offered but Leah organized and encouraged all of us to go together WITH HER! She could have stayed home and thought it was beneath her to go camping with the lowly of us contestants. After all, she didn't have to go because she already earned her medals but she slummed with us anyway, no makeup or pageant dress. In fact, she encouraged all of us to remember there were no judges up there so we weren't to bring any curling irons or eyelashes. Just come and have fun she said. It was fun to be with fellow contestants and not feel competitive against each other. We all got to know each other as fun and goofy girls! 

     I could tell more things she has taken the time to inspire in me personally but I think the most touching thing she has done for all of us was that last week she wrote and mailed EACH of us (all 61 of us!) a personal note with a handwritten message and a post encouraging us to do and be our personal best in Fresno and to appreciate the journey rather than how you finish the race. Don't get me wrong! I want her job! But this time around, because of Miss CA 2012 Leah Cecil, I anticipate this experience with greater peace and excitement.

To see the entire tribute to Leah, just click here... it's worth the read!

Now - Who are the front-runners for the crown in 2013?  Let me start by saying - this race is tight!  SOOOO many with experience, great talent, strong interview and of course, beautiful California bodies!  With 61 girls - I think this is the largest state pageant in 2013!!!

Just fyi - One of the ways we chose our list beyond our typical research - is through VIDEOS!!!  Check out this link to the Miss CA You Tube page and watch them for yourself to see if you agree with us!

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

Crystal Lee - 1st runner up '12, Top 12 in '11, CA OT '08 (Top 10 finish at MAOT)
Caylynn Simonsin - 2nd runner up '12, Top 12 in '11, Top 10 Miss Sweetheart '12
Lauren Smolka - 3rd runner up '12, Prelim SS, Top 12 in '11, Prelim SS again
Marina Inserra - 4th runner up '12 Prelim SS in '10
Morgan Edwards - Top 10 in '12, Prelim SS
Annie Wilson - 4th runner up Miss Georgia '12, Prelim Talent
Carly Valdes - Top 12 in '12
Megan Wisler - Top 10 '11 and '12
Jordan Krinkle - CA OT 0'7
Laura Berger - Top 10 in '12

 And if you thought we were kidding about this being one of the largest pageants this year... take a look at the FOUR DAY PRELIM SCHEDULE below!!!  Miss California is a Marathon - Not a Sprint!  GOOD LUCK LADIES!!!

Friday, June 21, 2013


Chelsea Ingram is a name you should remember... One day, when you're trying to figure out what to pack for your adventure across the country during that 'tricky time of year' (aka, April or October)... should you decide to grab the remote and take a peek at The Weather Channel, you just might be getting your weather from none other than Miss Vermont, 2012.

Chelsea is currently working in Baltimore, MD as a 'weather-person' (weatherman is politically incorrect and weather-woman sounds weird) for the CBS affiliate.  In case you didn't realize it, Baltimore is the #24 media market in the country.  That's pretty impressive for someone who's only 23 years old!
All the best to Chelsea - we hope to see you make your mark in the 'weather-world' and become one of the many success stories from the Miss America program!  Now - on to the competition!

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:
- Jackie Croft - 1st Runner up '12
- Janelle Achee - 2nd Runner up in '12, just won $30,000 as a Truman Scholar
- Rylee Field - 3rd Runner up in '12

All the Best, Ladies!!!  Good Luck!!! :)


If we've said it once, we've said it a million times... THE JUNKIES LOVED LEXIE MADDEN!!!

Seriously - If we only knew her personally, we know she'd love us too (LOL!)

Without a doubt, the best surprise of Miss America was seeing Miss Wyoming in the Top 5!  If you didn't read our 'wrap up blog' in reference to Lexie's performance in Vegas, you can see it here.  We basically begged the first finalist from Wyoming since 1953 to RUN, not walk, to Miss Wyoming USA.  Let's just say, Lexie is going to be one of those contestants we can't wait to see in 15-20 years!  She'll always be one of our absolute favorites!

Now - On to Miss Wyoming 2013!

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:
- Rebecca Podio - 2nd runner up '12,
- Sarah Cheeney, 4th runner up '12 and Miss Congeniality
- Caitlin Bush - Cheerleader at University of Wyoming

Thursday, June 20, 2013


I gotta say... I've never lost 50 pounds at one time before.  So, when Molly Bouchard lost that much weight and donned a bikini for one of the first times in her life on the Miss America stage, we say, it's just fine to be proud of such a significant accomplishment.

Molly is currently planning an August wedding - We wish her and her fiance all the best!

Now - if you think Miss Maine isn't a 'Pageant State'... May we take a few moments to change your mind?  Just take a look at who's competing this year!

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch: 

Kelsey Early - 2nd runner up '12
Marissa Butler - 4th runner up '12
Mallory Lavoie - Miss ME OT 06
Kristin Korda - Miss ME OT 09, lovely voice