Friday, May 31, 2013


Anna Laura Bryan, Miss Alabama 2012 is such a Southern Sweetheart! And trust me, there's a reason why Brent Musburger felt completely fine making comments insinuating AL girls are beautiful... Because they are (regardless of whether it's Miss USA or Miss America!)!!!

And of course, Alabama has the corner on the Quality of Life award at Miss America (which if you've read any of the archives of this blog, you know how we wish they'd change the name from 'Quality of Life'... Sounds like a retirement home grant, not an award for outstanding community service... but we digress).  Seriously - of the past 11 years, Miss AL has finished in the Top 3 for the QoL Award 7 times!!!  And, of those 7 years, they've won it 3 times - including Anna Laura Bryan!

Anna Laura's "P.A.W.S for Autism" lobbied the state and even authored Legislature House bill 502 so children with Autism could have their service dogs next to them in the classroom.  Obviously, the QoL award is significant to the state of Alabama... Which means, if you don't have a strong platform, don't bother.  In this state, the full development of your platform means as much as your ability to interview.

So - Who's got the corner on the Miss Alabama crown this year?  Let's find out!

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch:

- Caitlin Brunell - former Miss America's Outstanding Teen winner and 3rd runner up in 2012
- Chandler Champion - 2rd runner up in '12, Swimsuit and Talent Prelim Winner, 3rd runner up in '11
- Mi'a Callens - AL OT  '11, 2nd runner up to Elizabeth Fechtel
- Haley Bagwell - 2nd runner up in '11
- KeLeigh Edwards - 1st runner up in '11
- Jordan Dailey - 4th runner up in '11
- Junkies' Sentimental Favorite = Elisabeth Chramer :)

All The Best to ALL of the beautiful women at Miss Alabama!!!


1st Runner up = Caitlin Brunell
2nd Runner up = Haley Bagwell
3rd Runner up = Kelsey Richter
4th Runner up = Hayley Barber

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


If you're a football fan, chances are you had already seen Kelsey Fournier before she won the title of Miss Rhode Island 2012...

Kelsey was a Cheerleader for the New England Patriots for 3 years prior to winning the title... We love the fact that Kelsey says she's now able to have her entire graduate degree in health care education paid for because of her scholarship earnings as Miss Rhode Island!

A little background on the state of RI... In recent years, Rhode Island's been known for having contestants that excel in one particular area of competition... For example, at Miss America, Allison Rogers (2006) won the Quality of Life Award, Ashley Bickford (2007) won a preliminary swimsuit award, Julianna Strout (2009) was a non-finalist Talent award winner, and Deborah Saint-Vil (2010) was a Talent award winner and Top 15 semi-finalist.  They're still waiting on their first Miss America.

Now - if we told you there were only 9 girls competing this year at Miss Rhode Island, you might wonder if the competition is going to be any good... Rest Assured, just because they are few in numbers, it doesn't mean this is going to be a walk in the park for any of the contestants...  

No preliminary competitions - it's Winner Take All on June 1st!!!

Junkies Say Here's Who to Watch!
- Jessica Mafeo (center, blue dress) = Miss American Coed competitor, cancer survivor
- Ivy DePew (bottom left) = Semi-finalist in Tennessee, now in grad school at Brown University
- Adriana Roberson (top row, second to the left) = 4th runner up in '11
- Lindsay Rogers (bottom row, far right) = Rhode Island Outstanding Teen 06

Junkies Love Rhode Island! Good Luck Ladies!!! :)


Winner = Jessica Marfeo
1st Runner Up = Ivy Depew
2nd Runner Up = Victoria Cuartas
3rd Runner Up = Lindsay Rodgers
4th Runner Up = Dara Fidrych
Congratulations Ladies!!!